当事人登录/注册 调解员登录 管理员登录


擅长领域: 争议解决
工作语言: 中文英文
国籍: 中国
最高学历: 学士


  • 1. Settling conflicts and disputes in meetings of Owners’ Incorporations (settle disputes between owners and the Owners’ Incorporations), Owners’ Committees and Mutual Aid Committees; 2. Using mediation skills to settle complaints and conflicts of political parties in District Council Elections and Legislative Council Elections; 3. Using mediation skills to settle community and political disputes and complaints; 4. Using mediation skills to handle queries raised by political parties and District Council Members at meetings of District Council and Area Committee; 5. Using mediations skills to manage co-operations between different government departments stakeholders and citizens and facilitate mutual understanding of their respective roles and difficulties; 6. Using mediation skills to educate citizens about government departments’ duties and manage citizens’ expectations; 7. Using mediations skills to help citizens understand their underlying interests, needs and concerns and the ways to fulfill; 8. Using mediation skills to generate creative options in solving crisis and difficulties faced while holding community building activities;


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免责条款 | 隐私政策 | 京ICP备 16064076号 -1 |