
The Field of Training: Maritime International TradeContractCompanyCivil & CommercialDispute Resolution
Working language: ChineseEnglish
Nationality: China
Highest Education: Master of Law

Experience in Mediation

  • During her 13-year work in prosecution, she has participated in many mediations of civil litigations collateral to criminal procedures. In addition to prosecuting and punishing crimes, for the sake of protecting the victims’ interest, she has mediated many civil litigations collateral to violent criminal cases and serious economic criminal cases. Attaching importance to mediations in her work has helped her to ensure the protection of victims’ interests in addition to prosecuting crimes and has helped to settle the disputes and reduced Procuratorate-related complaints. For those cases where the criminal reconciliation procedure can be applied, Ms. Guo has always informed the parties on this and guided them towards reaching a settlement. She hosted mediations and witnessed conclusion of the settlement agreements. She has helped to bring about the settlement of numerous traffic accident cases and slight injury cases, which achieves the goal of resolving social disputes through judicial works. After practicing as a lawyer, Ms Guo represented a well-known foreign enterprise to claim for debts receivable. Many claims were settled after rounds of negotiations and her client received such debts receivable immediately after reaching settlement. She also acted for a foreign client in handling its dispute with a Chinese factory with respect to an equipment import contract. After multilateral negotiations among her client, the Chinese factory and the trading house, the Chinese factory eventually agreed to accept returning of all equipment with quality issues and return full amount of contract price which has been paid by her client.

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