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维克多·科尔蒂佐(Víctor Cortizo):探索后疫情时代中拉法律与商事创新服务


9月5日,西班牙马德里市政府经济局外资处北京(中国)招商负责人,马德里Cortizo Legal律师事务所创始合伙人维克多·科尔蒂佐(Víctor Cortizo) 先生应邀线上出席2021年中国国际服务贸易交易会分论坛“‘一带一路’与北京‘两区’建设法治环境保障暨第六届‘一带一路’综合服务能力建设论坛”,并在论坛研讨会环节发言。本次论坛系中国国际服务贸易交易会(2021)专题论坛,由北京市法学会、北京融商一带一路法律与商事服务中心共同主办,以下为演讲原文。


图 | 维克多·科尔蒂佐(Víctor Cortizo)先生线上发言


It is a great pleasure to participate in this important event. The sign of the beginning of a new era of collaboration between many institutions and especially between our two nations is clear.


For many years I have been working actively in the relations  between Spain and China, seeking collaboration and the achievement of joint objectives.


 One of the most important actions is to represent the city of Madrid in China. Madrid is the privileged space for the Chinese presence in Europe, North Africa and Latin America.  The geographical location, the living conditions, its economic growth and its ability to attract Chinese investment,  make it a special and unique place.


One of the centers of our work is to develop an OBOR culture in Spain. We have managed to make this project known and that many Spanish companies are waiting and looking for the meeting with Chinese companies to participate together in common projects. There are not many initiatives yet, but the visit of the Chinese President to Spain a few years ago was the necessary impetus for their knowledge


This OBOR project has offered the world a global economic cooperation initiative open to all who want to join it and in just a few years it has managed to be highly valued. It was really necessary to propose such collaborative projects with such a clear Win Win dynamic.


This project, mainly economic, also offers us a cultural and social proposal. The exchange of people and projects will offer us economic growth that will bring peace and prosperity throughout the route. It is truly a great Chinese initiative that can bear many fruits and needs hard work and a long-term look. COVID 19 has meant an important global change and it is difficult to know the consequences it may have, but we know that things will be different and that it is necessary to adapt to that circumstance.


We want to find a way to work quickly and respond quickly and effectively to these new challenges. For this, it is necessary to lift the greatest possible barriers and we hope that soon Europe will sign the investment agreement between China and the European Union that will allow us to achieve great objectives together and allow a greater presence of European companies in China and of Chinese companies in Europe. It is necessary to create a climate of trust and knowledge. From this point of view, initiatives like this one are necessary, which allows us to increase our network of knowledge and trust. 


It is an obvious matter that the pandemic has presented us with a global challenge which requires the creation of joint strategies where some nations must lead the joint overcoming of this problem with an overcoming of theories of the past.


This should be clear, but many speeches by world leaders during this time have only served to use arguments from the past century and seek to maintain conflicts whose origins are from the past.


The health challenge is added to the economic challenge which consists of being able to overcome this crisis with a look to the future that does not destroy the means of production and that opens the economies to the accelerated global transformation.


What will the new restructuring of power, commerce and institutions be like in the post-covid world?


We are engaged in a different new world of peace and harmony and we are part of this new project. 


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